
Hello! This site was created by me Pete Sparks in response to my experiences with the St. Joseph County, Indiana court system.  It has been a very frustrating experience and it is a goal of mine to shed light on the inadequacies of the system. The failures of the court system to decide this case in the obvious way have lead me to spend a large amount of my time (100's of hours) trying to fix their mistakes. As such I do not have time for things like proofreading or editing. I apologize in advance if there are grammatical or other types of writing errata, please have patience; thanks! 



    Check out this link about crooked judges who don't get disciplined:


The Onion reports:

U.S. Officials Announce Plans To Continue Pretending Brutal State-Sponsored Violence Not Supposed To Happen


WASHINGTON—Feigning shock and surprise over gruesome details about the murder of Tyre Nichols by Memphis Police, U.S. officials announced plans Friday to continue pretending brutal state-sponsored violence was not supposed to happen. “Today, as we deal with the fallout from the death of Tyre Nichols, myself and the highest officials in the American government pledge to keep acting like we don’t want our highly militarized police force to kill innocent civilians every day,” said President Joe Biden at a White House press conference, adding that he and his fellow elected officials would pretend to gasp, pray, and put on a big emotional show every time law enforcement carried out the exact murders against its own citizens they had both tacitly and publicly approved. “Although we’ll wipe away our tears and promise you that we’ll do everything in our power to make sure that senseless acts of violence like this never happen again, we do want to emphasize that this is the exact outcome we want. We’ll tout things like ‘reform,’ do our little investigations, and put a few police officers in jail, but come on. You’ll know we’re lying.” At press time, President Biden told reporters to get some extra photos of him looking sad, as they’ll need them in the upcoming months when the investigation into Memphis Police Department yields no changes whatsoever.

You are welcome to please contact me at passjcco@gmail.com 


My Lawyers:

Lawyer talked me into having two lawyers said it would end up being same price.

Lawyers did not do what I asked.

Lawyer promised to get my legal fees reimbursed.

Lawyers repeatedly charged for telling me same excuses over and over again.

Lawyer charged 80K.

Lawyer quit a few weeks before the final court date. This left me without a lawyer and no time to "train" a new one.

Petitioner's Lawyers

Her first lawyer called me irresponsible when I said I didn't want my son to be exposed to covid from returning to school prematurely. (How can he be involved with decision making for children?)

She canned him because he ok'd the judge's request for a mediator without her permission. (this is but one example of the legal community in South Bend colluding to milk money from families in distress. Sadly I have many more examples. 


My ex petitioned for the divorce and she suggested I hire a lawyer as she had already. (She would not try to figure it out ourselves: she infamously said "I will never compromise".) She was absent and neglectful regularly in terms of parenting for our only child D. I picked up the slack in part cuz I wanted to be a good spouse, I loved my son, I believed in equal rights. I also wanted time for my career, too so we had many conversations where I urged her to do more of her share of the parenting. She stonewalle, changed the subject, and made promises but she never did anywhere near her share of the parenting. (If it had been up to her and we bothe did her amount of parenting, D would have been in day care from 6am to 9pm on weekdays, many evenings and weekend hours too.) One of her promises was once she was done with her training, she would be a better parent, spouse and roomate. I would be free to do what I wanted (which was to pursue my career).

She finished her training but the only job offer she got was in Goshen, IN. (She had so much student debt we had to move to where she got a job or else she could never  have paid it back). Goshen is nice but very small and very traditional and tightknit. It is hard to make connections there and there is not much to do (especially compared to the big city Milwaukee where we had been living). 

We moved to the nearby community of Mishawaka and I waited for her to satisfy her promise, but instead she ended up being even more absent. The community was much less teacher friendly than Milwaukee and the jobs were poor, and few and they treated both students and teachers not as well.


Hi All!


Welcome to my first website!


There have already been hints that it will be taken down so I am starting slow. Please stay tuned for what I hope will be an informative blog about some inequities in our judicial system.

This site is meant to be for shedding light on some of the inadequacies of court systems in Indiana. The evidence comes from my experiences in the dissolution of my marriage to Irina Danilova. 

© 2023 by Under Construction. Proudly created with Wix.com

Weissmann, Judge alias Leanna K. Weissmann 

Robb, J., alias Margret G. Robb

Pyle, J, alias Judge Rudolph R. Pyle III

Indiana Judicial Commission

hief Justice Loretta H. Rush, Chair

Indiana Supreme Court


Katie Glick

First District


Term expires: 12/31/22

Anthony W. Patterson, Esq.

First District


Term expires: 12/31/24

Danny Lopez

Second District


Term expires: 12/31/24

William E. Winingham, Esq.

Second District


Term expires: 12/31/22

Holly Wojcik, Esq.

Third District


Term expires: 12/31/23


Third District